embedded delta modulation - tradução para russo
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embedded delta modulation - tradução para russo

Deltamodulation; Adaptive delta modulation

embedded delta modulation      
"вложенная" дельта-модуляция
delta modulation         



adaptive delta modulation         
адаптивная дельта-модуляция


Д'ЕЛЬТА [дэ], дельты, ·жен.
1. Название четвертой буквы ·греч. алфавита (D).
2. Устье реки, разветвляющейся на отдельные рукава (геогр.). Дельта Волги.


Delta modulation

A delta modulation (DM or Δ-modulation) is an analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signal conversion technique used for transmission of voice information where quality is not of primary importance. DM is the simplest form of differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM) where the difference between successive samples is encoded into n-bit data streams. In delta modulation, the transmitted data are reduced to a 1-bit data stream. Its main features are:

  • The analog signal is approximated with a series of segments.
  • Each segment of the approximated signal is compared to the preceding bits and the successive bits are determined by this comparison.
  • Only the change of information is sent, that is, only an increase or decrease of the signal amplitude from the previous sample is sent whereas a no-change condition causes the modulated signal to remain at the same 0 or 1 state of the previous sample.

To achieve high signal-to-noise ratio, delta modulation must use oversampling techniques, that is, the analog signal is sampled at a rate several times higher than the Nyquist rate.

Derived forms of delta modulation are continuously variable slope delta modulation, delta-sigma modulation, and differential modulation. Differential pulse-code modulation is the superset of DM.